Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fun In The Sun

This has been a busy week. Between Chase learning to walk and preparing for our trip I've been all sorts of busy. We're leaving tomorrow for a few days on a lake a few hours south of us. We'll be joining some of The Chef's family and staying in cabins. The plan is to do all our own food, since we'll be in the middle of nowhere. This makes the trip more economical than eating out, but has saddled me with some pretty long lists of prep work and general packing.

Yesterday I got us packed (except for toiletries) and got that stuff in the car. So far today I've gotten the car washed, picked up The Chef's guitar from across town, made cucumber salad, made rainbow veggie salad, made pasta salad, made barbecue sauce, watered the gardens, got coffee (duh!), gathered other foodstuffs we needed and I'm about to bathe the kids.

The next several days will be at least somewhat relaxing. Well, except for the fact that it's supposed to be 95. Great. Exactly why we all thought heading south in the middle of June was a good idea is escaping me at this point. We'll be in the lake, fishing (well everyone else anyway) and just getting away from everything. And the cabin has air conditioning, which makes me extremely happy.

So basically, I will not be available to blog for the next 3-4 days. I hope you all don't miss me too much :) As far as I know, there is no wireless Internet where we are going, so I think we'll be completely out of the reach of modern technology. Which reminds me, I should give my parents the number to the main lodge in case my cell doesn't work.

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