Bath & Body Works: FREE Tote and Full-Size Lotion (4/30)
Bath & Body Works has a new coupon available. Get free tote bag and full-size Into the Wild Body Lotion with any signature collection purchase. This coupon is only valid 4/30 from 1pm – 5pm
Famous Footwear:

If you are headed to Kohl’s this weekend, be sure to use this 15% off Shopping Pass. It’s valid through 5/3.
Also, Head over to Kohls right now for a great deal on flip flops!

I've never shopped here, since The Girl can still sport toddler sizes, but some of you with older girls can take advantage of this great deal. Through May 9, you can take 40% off your Justice purchase when you use the code 779 at checkout.
TODAY they're offering 1 lb of organic strawberries for $1.99! Those of you who buy organic know what a spectacular price that is! Remember that strawberries are on the top 10 list of things that you should buy organic. I can't take advantage of this since the nearest Whole Foods is too far of a drive with these gas prices, but I'm sure some of you have one nearby.
You can also get FREE overnight shipping on custom cards and gifts for Mother’s Day when you spend $30 or more.
Here's how:
1. Create $30 of personalized gifts in the Mother’s Day Store
2. Under shipping options choose “overnight: 1 bus. days + processing time”
3. Your order ships overnight + processing time for FREE.
Use code FAST4MOM at checkout by May 2
Much thanks to http://www.savingwithshellie.com/ and http://www.savingcentswithsense.com/ for the deals!
Also, Head over to Kohls right now for a great deal on flip flops!
Flip-Flops are priced as low as $2.40 + use the codes below to get an even better deal:
Use promo code: SPRING15 for 15% off
Use promo code: SHIP4FREE for Free Shipping!
Look for the 2-Packs at $4.00 each that brings the to $2 a pair or $1.70 each after discount!
Use promo code: SPRING15 for 15% off
Use promo code: SHIP4FREE for Free Shipping!
Look for the 2-Packs at $4.00 each that brings the to $2 a pair or $1.70 each after discount!

I've never shopped here, since The Girl can still sport toddler sizes, but some of you with older girls can take advantage of this great deal. Through May 9, you can take 40% off your Justice purchase when you use the code 779 at checkout.
Headed to the store? Get the same discount with this Justice coupon.
Whole Foods:

Now through 5/4, Snapfish is offering Buy One Get One Free Photobooks when you use code FXOFORMOM at check out. It must be two of the same book.
You can also get FREE overnight shipping on custom cards and gifts for Mother’s Day when you spend $30 or more.
Here's how:
1. Create $30 of personalized gifts in the Mother’s Day Store
2. Under shipping options choose “overnight: 1 bus. days + processing time”
3. Your order ships overnight + processing time for FREE.
Use code FAST4MOM at checkout by May 2
Also, if some of you are into couponing, you may want to consider picking up an extra paper this week. There will be FOUR coupon inserts in the Sunday paper! And in case you didn't know you can get the Sunday paper for $1 at your local Menards or Dollar General - both stores usually have them out by mid-morning on Saturday.
Much thanks to http://www.savingwithshellie.com/ and http://www.savingcentswithsense.com/ for the deals!
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